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Church Ministries


Children's Ministry

Children enjoy Sunday School and Sunday Worship along with Wednesday night classes and a Children's Worship team. 
We also provide Sunday morning Outreach to children in the community.

Youth Ministry

Our youth ministry provides teenagers with opportunities and guidance to grow into what God has created them to be right now by incorporating them into the community youth outreach programs.

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What better to do with a church given a gym then start a basketball ministry?



Worship & Music

Our contemporary modern worship, lead by Kris and Lora Workman, is a vibrant and interactive worship experience for everyone. Please click on the link below for our worship songs!

  • YouTube

Prayer Room

All day, everyday our prayer room is open for those seeking a quiet refuge or in spiritual need.


A big, big house with lots, and lots of rooms. Yes, it is!

We have been blessed with Marion's old YMCA as our church home. The building is equipped with two gymnasiums, track, community meeting room, many classrooms, and so many opportunities to bless the community. 

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